Title: Grad Project Showings – ASU School of Dance
Location: Margaret Gisolo Dance Studio PEBE 132
Link out: Click here
Description: ASU School of Dance presents the Graduate Project Presentations
Eleven Original Works
Master of Fine Arts students Julie Akerly, Angel Crissman, Inertia DeWitt, Kelsey Finlayson, Britta Joy Peterson, Kristopher Pourzal, Tricia Ragsdale, Denise A. Stein, Kathryn Ullom, Laurel Wall-MacLane, and Whitney Waugh present new work and works-in-progress. The 11 emerging choreographers are all engaged in different avenues of artistic inquiry and have assembled a diverse, evocative, and exciting evening of dance works.
Time: 7:30pm
Date: April 4-5, 2012