Title: Terpsicore in Vivaldi and Other Works
Location: Herberger Theater Center – Stage West, 222 East Monroe, Phoenix
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Description: Terpsicore Dance Company in Vivaldi and Other Works
Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Hergerger Theater, Stage West
222 East Monroe Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004-2335
(602) 254-7399
Tickets: $20 Adults, $16 students and seniors, $14 children under 12 and groups of 8 or more
www.herbergertheater.org or www.terpsicoredance.org
Guests include: Dulce Dance Company,
Painter-Jim Covarrubias, Singer-Eileen Mager
Terpsicore Dance Company presents Vivaldi and Other Works, a combination of classical and contemporary movement to the beautiful music of Antonio Vivaldi and other composers. Dulce Dance Company compliments the evening well with energetic modern choreography. Jim Covarrubias paints live on stage to the beautiful voice of Eileen Mager. Jim’s painting will be raffled at the end of the evening! Not to be missed!
Date: April 3, 2010