Title: Free Beginning Hula Dance Class with Keo Woolford
Location: South Mountain Community College, 7050 S. 24th Street, Phoenix
Description: FREE Beginning Hula Class with Keo Woolford
Sponsored by ASU Gammage
Date: Monday, March 22, 2010
Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Cost: FREE
RSVP to Kristen Markus at ude.usanull@sukraM.netsirK or 480-965-3940
Title: Free Intermediate/Advanced Hula Dance Class with Keo Woolford
Location: Plaza de Anaya World Fusion Studio, 524 W. Broadway Rd, Ste 109, Tempe
Description: Free Intermediate/Advanced Hula Dance Class with Keo Woolford
Sponsored by ASU Gammage
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Cost: FREE
RSVP to Kristen Markus at ude.usanull@sukraM.netsirK or 480-965-3940
Title: Keo Woolford in I LAND
Location: ASU Gammage, 1200 South Forest Avenue, Tempe
Description: I LAND is Keo Woolford’s hilarious and poignant search for the meaning of his cultural heritage. From his high school days as a football player and discovery of a “Hula God” to his tour in a famous boy band, Woolford’s story will keep you enthralled. Combining elements of traditional Hawaiian hula, hip-hop, Hawaiian talk story and spoken word, I LAND tells a funny, unforgettable tale where worlds separated by geography and culture collide. Recommended for ages 12 and older.
Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010
Time: 7:00pm
Cost: $20, $10 Students
www.asugammage.com, ticketmaster, 800-982-2787
Date: March 22, 2010