Title: Knowing Place 2010
Location: Madcap Theater (Bookman Theater), 730 South Mill Avenue, Tempe
Description: Happy May! Knowing Place, the second annual seminar for exploring dance in community contexts, is Saturday, May 15th from 1:00pm to 5:00pm and we hope all of you will join us for what will be an extraordinary experience. This very special event begins with screening the new film, Breath Made Visible, about the legendary Anna Halprin, who has revolutionized dance as an art form, developed powerful contemporary community dance rituals, and pioneered the expressive arts healing movement. Also we are honored to have the participation of Frances Smith Cohen, an outstanding Arizona dance leader, educator, choreographer, and administrator who has made significant contributions to promoting dance in community. We will create a lively interview, facilitate group discussion, and explore movement together in the MADCAP Theatres, a unique venue located on Mill Avenue in Tempe. The details are on the attached Knowing Place flyer, which we encourage you to distribute freely. Please notice that a second attachment is designed to specifically publicize the film screenings, which happen at 1:00pm in conjunction with Knowing Place and at 10:00pm following Dulce Dance Company’s annual concert, Expresiones Tres, also occurring in the MADCAP Theatres. Please r.s.v.p. your attendance by May 14 to the seminar by emailing Ashlee Ramsey, Event Coordinator at ude.usanull@yesmar.eelhsa. This is an important networking opportunity to share and learn about sustainable dance practices with others in our communities. Please come and show your support to making dance matter in Arizona!
Date: 2010-05-15
May 10, 2010