Title: CONDER/dance Summer Fridays
Location: Jeanne’s School of Dance, 1337 S. Gilbert Road, Mesa, AZ 85211
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Description: CONDER/dance Summer Fridays
June 18-July 23, 2010
Fridays 10:00am-11:30am
Join CONDER/dance for Friday Summer Technique Classes. Each class is taught by director Carley Conder. Athleticism, precision and artistry will be the foci of each class. Int – Adv level…age 16 & up welcome.
- June 18 Modern
- June 25 Modern
- July 2 Ballet
- July 9 Modern
- July 16 Ballet
- July 23 Modern
$50 for entire workshop
Jeanne’s School of Dance
1337 S. Gilbert Road
Mesa, AZ 85211
Date: June 18-July 23, 2010