Title: A Joyous Christmas, at the MIM, presented by AZDance Group
Location: Musical Instrument Museum, Theater, 4725 E. Mayo Blvd. Phoenix, AZ 85050
Link out: Click here
Description: “A Joyful Christmas” – at the MIM and at the CPA – both celebrate the Spirit of Christmas by utilizing guest artist Astrit Zejnati, Principal Dancer of Ballet Arizona, the company’s professional dance roster and the company’s most heartwarming Educational Outreach Program, “Movement E-Motion”, a dance program designed to give dance technique and performing opportunities for young adults with Down Syndrome and/or Autism and physical challenges.
“A Joyful Christmas” highlights the music of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker, Christmas Carols and other inspirational arrangements. Both concerts benefit the company’s growing production costs and their five educational outreach programs. Book your tickets soon to these concerts !
Start Time: 6:30
Date: 2010-11-22
End Time: 8:15