Title: Nat’l TAP Dance Day Celebration
Location: Pima Comm College CFA, West Campus, 2202 W Anklam, Tucson
Link out: Click here
Description: Tap dancers in Arizona celebrate tap dancing! There will be a performance Saturday evening, 7 pm, entitled Sounds of the Soles of the Southwest and 10 master tap dance classes Saturday & Sunday. There is a new Youth TAP Intensive for skilled tap dancers ages 10-12. The event culminates with performances by master tap class participants, a Tap Jam and possible “challenge,” and a history of tap dance lecture/demo. Sunday’s demo is free to the public as well as the film of Gotta Move! Women in Tap on Saturday at 12:30 pm. ADC members receive discounts on classes, performance, and merchandise (10%). Profits from the merchandise will be used to help start a guest artist fund. For details, visit dancinc.biz/ntd or call Krystyna a 520-743-1349. Tickets will be available at BrownPaperTickets.com between May 1-20 or at the PCC Box Office 520/206-6986. ADC members & students $10, Adults $15 in advance, $20 at the door.
Start Date: 2011-05-21
End Date: 2011-05-22