Title: Trey McIntyre Project
Location: UA Centennial Hall – 1020 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721
Link out: Click here
Description: Bursting with dazzling creativity and heightened physicality, he is “one of America’s most surprising talents” (The New York Times). Since his work debuted with the Houston Ballet in 1990 when he was just 20, McIntyre has created more than 75 contemporary ballets for American Ballet Theatre, New York City Ballet, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Stuttgart Ballet and other illustrious companies. The Project premiered in 2004 as a summer company with a hand-selected group of America’s most talented ballet dancers. They immediately won over the hearts of audiences and critics alike at the major summer festivals including Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival and Wolf Trap. Using classical ballet as the point of departure, McIntyre creates emotionally charged dances that defy categorization, set to musical scores ranging from Beethoven and Henry Cowell, to Beck, The Beatles and Ralph Stanley.
Start Time: 08:00 p.m.
Date: 03/26/11
January 6, 2011