Title: Novaballet – Imperative Forms
Location: Tempe Center for the Arts Theater
Link out: Click here
Description: The unification of compelling music with expressive human
movement; that’s the essence of Novaballet, and the
opening program of 2009 gives a vanguard of young
American choreographic talent the room to define the
vivid possibilities of this enduring art form.
Adam Hougland presents his mesmerizing and kinetic
Beyond, a saga which unfolds between two worlds under
the influence of a Ralph Vaughan Williams score.
Emery LeCrone will premier an expansion of her critically
acclaimed Pulling to Break, which makes visual the
minimalist forms of Philip Glass’ Violin Concerto No. 1.
Robert Dekkers will debut a collaborative effort with
musician & composer Daniel Berkman, while also reprising
his 2008 work, AnOther, which Richard Nilsen of The
Arizona Republic labeled “choreography of a high order.”
Coupled with the expansive stage environment and intimate
seating gallery of the TCA Theater, you can expect a
connection with the live dance experience unlike any other.
Start Time: 20:00
Date: 2009-07-18
June 23, 2009