Title: Catwalk by Scorpius Dance Theatre
Location: Phoenix Little Theatre
Link out: Click here
Description: Returning by popular demand, Catwalk by Scorpius Dance Theatre feature new works and returning favorites from last year’s successful debut. Staged on a runway, this original contemporary dance production fuses funky, local fashions, sexy athleticism and the distinct choreography of Lisa Starry. Catwalk features 18 dancers in 18 different choreographic works and fashion runway parodies, connected by video and music montages. Drawing inspiration from pop culture, Lisa Starry, director of Scorpius Dance Theatre created this all-original, contemporary dance production based on the popularity of today’s fashion scene and fashion television reality shows.
Start Date: 2011-05-12
Start Time: 7:30 and 9:00
End Date: 2011-05-21
May 17, 2011