Title: Gyrokinesis, Core Intelligence, Reformer, Egoscue Posture Workshop
Location: Kinesphere Studio
Link out: Click here
Description: AzDEO Teacher’s Workshop July 25-28, 2011
Consider spending a few days this summer focusing on you – your body, your health, and your movement. This workshop will, through a variety of approaches, give you the opportunity to reconnect with your body and focus on alignment and efficiency in your movement.
There are two times available for this workshop:
Group I: 9:00-10:30am Core Intelligence/Egoscue Posture
10:30-12:00pm Reformer Pilates
Group II: 10:30-12:00pm Core Intelligence/Gyrokinesis
12:00-1:30pm Reformer Pilates
Each group is limited to six participants. Cost for 4 days is $350.
To register, please contact Kinesphere at (602) 532-3111 or moc.oiduts-erehpseniknull@ofni
Class Descriptions:
Core Intelligence: You will gain a better understanding of the muscles that make up your core as well as exercises to strengthen this vital part of your body.
Egoscue Posture: Through gentle exercises and stretching you will enhance awareness of your skeletal alignment and ease muscular tension.
Gyrokinesis: Performed on stools and mats, Gyrokinesis utilizes breath, and rhythmic and undulating movement to stimulate your body and organs for better health.
Reformer: Through Pilates exercises done on the Reformer, you will explore your alignment while lengthening and strengthening muscles throughout your body.
Classes will be taught by Kinesphere staff: Dominika Borovansky Gaines, Lisa Perry, Lisa Thorngren and/or Tami Link. Kinesphere is located at 711 E. Missouri Avenue, Suite 180, Phoenix, AZ.
Start Date: 2011-07-25
End Date: 2011-07-28