Title: Fabrications
Location: Physical Education Building West, Room 239/240, ASU Tempe Campus
Description: Fabrications features the work Inhabited created by Corinne Bocchino and A Performance Will Dissolve created by Alyssa Gersony in collaboration with the dancers. Each piece was started in May of 2011 and will premiere January 27, 2012. This concert is conceived and presented by the Bocchino and Gersony as part of the completion of their BFA studies at ASU.
Admission: Free
No ticket necessary. Audience is limited to 50 people per night and seating first-come, first-served. Doors open 30 minutes prior to the event. For reserved seating, email ude.usanull@nihccobc at least 24 hours before the time of the show.
Time: Friday-Saturday 7:00pm; Sunday 5:00pm
Date: January 27-29, 2012