Title: Bill T. Jones / Arnie Zane Dance Company presents Body Against Body
Location: ASU Galvin Playhouse
Link out: Click here
Description: Two-time Tony Award™ winner and contemporary performance icon Bill T. Jones returns for year two of his GAMMAGE RESIDENCY. Jones will present Body Against Body, which revives and reconsiders the duets and solos that launched Jones and Zane on the international dance scene of the early 80s and redefined the dance landscape of the day. These pieces remain some of the most significant examples of postmodern performance. Both physically and conceptually rigorous, they challenge performer and viewer through their notions of task-based movement and non-narrative structure. Body Against Body explores the uncompromising balance of seemingly conflicting ideas underlying all of the company’s work: challenge or cooperation, structuralism versus pure athletics, abstract formality against raw introspective words.
Made possible in part by Way Family Foundation, Margaret T. Morris Foundation and APS.
Special thanks to residency and production partners ASU Project Humanities and the ASU School of Dance.
All performances, dates, times and prices are subject to change.
Customer Service: moc.egammagusanull@eciffoxob
Box Office: 480.965.3434
Group Services: 480.965.6678
Fax: 480.965.3583
Start Time: 7:00 pm
Date: 2012-03-06