Title: GCC Dance Presents VIBE
Location: Glendale Community College- 6000 West Olive Avenue, Glendale, Arizona, 85302
Description: The Glendale Community College Dance Program is proud to present VIBE. Choreographic works by Andrea Hashim and Rebecca Rabideau, Co-Artistic Directors of VERVE Dance Co., Danielle Horn, Kenny Jezek, Quita Love-Cheramie and Sasha Mallory will be showcased. VIBE will feature choreography created by graduating GCC Dance Majors, Amanda Agate, Chelsea Chapman, Brian Lopez, Cassie Longwell, Alainia McCleary and Jeanna Snipes. Special guest artists, CONDER/dance and Leanne Schmidt and Co. will join the VIBE performances.
Admission is FREE to the public.
Start Time: 7:30 PM
Date: 2013-04-27
End Time: 9:30 PM