Title: Project Dance Phoenix!!
Location: Tempe, Arizona
Link out: Click here
Description: Project Dance is coming to the Valley of the Sun for its second annual Project Dance Phoenix! PDP is a three day event that includes master classes, networking opportunities, free give-aways, goody bags, interviews with inspiring local artists, concerts and the opportunity for you to perform your own choreography on stage at Tempe Marketplace. To find out more and register with the early bird discount, visit www.projectdance.com before October 1st! We have an amazing line up of Master Class teachers and a great concert planned for Friday night. To see a breakdown of the weekend events visit: https://www.projectdance.com/?page_id=184.
Start Date: 11/01/2013
Start Time: 3:30 PM
End Date: 11/03/2013
End Time: 3:30 PM
August 27, 2013