Title: DANCE FEST of So AZ “Peer” Perf for HS dance groups Oct 20 3pm – CANCELLED as of Oct 15.
Location: Tucson High Magnet School AUDITORIUM, 400 N 2nd Ave, Tucson
Link out: Click here
Description: One component of the Dance Festival of So AZ is holding an adjudicated “peer” performance for high school dance groups (public, private and dance studios welcome). It will be held on Sunday, Oct 20, 3 pm, at the Tucson HS Auditorium and will be coordinated by Beth Braun & Sheryl Oden. Only those registered for DFOSA classes are eligible to register for this performance. $50 application fee per school, $20 fee per dance (max 2 if time permits). 10-12 dances will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Adjudication is optional. Adjudicators will be Chad Michael Hall (LA, Uof Cal/Irvine), Tammy Compton (UofA Jazz), and more TBA. This is an AzDEO sponsored event in conjunction with DFOSA.
Start Time: 03:00
Date: 2013-10-20
End Time: 04:00
September 3, 2013