Title: Fall Festival of Music & Dance
Location: The Alwun House, 1204 E. Roosevelt Street, Phoenix
Description: The Fall Festival of Music & Dance features a main stage with continuous performances from 12:30 to 9:00pm by dancers and musicians from throughout Arizona and beyond. There will also be a “Sultan’s Garden” with live acoustic soloists and duets to be enjoyed while you sip Arabic coffee or tea, enjoy Middle Eastern delicacies, indulge in a hookah or the pampering of a henna artist .Guests can also shop for treasures in the Bazaar!
Last year’s Fall Festival of Music and dance featured over 120 performers, including 5 live bands. This was the largest locally produce bellydance event in Arizona in 2009.
Some of this year’s featured artists are the band, Cosmos, Jenevieve Serpentine Sorceress from Los Angeles and Zahr Jamil Middle Eastern Dance Co, and Troupe Safar from Tucson and many, many more! Memo’s Café will be serving their premium hookahs, and authentic Arabic coffee and tea. Joanna 23 will be available for custom henna body art.
Levant al Sonora, Arizona’s MECDA chapter www.levantalsonora.com 480-233-0022
Contact: Mahin Sciacca, president
Middle Eastern Culture & Dance Association (MECDA) www.mecda.org
Contact: Blume Bauer
The Alwun House www.alwunhouse.org
Contact: Kim Moody
Jenevieve Serpentine Sorceress https://serpentinesorceress.com/
Cosmos Greek Band https://cosmosmusic.net/
Mahin Sciacca
President, Levant al Sonora
Arizona’s Chapter of the Middle Eastern Culture & Dance Association
Time: 12:00pm-9:00pm
Date: November 14, 2009
Cost: $10 General, $5 MECDA Members