Title: The Nutcracker & the Mouse King
Description: Desert Youth Ballet Foundation presents Arizona School of Classical Ballet Holiday Classic “The Nutcracker & the Mouse King”
Dec. 18 at 6:30 PM
Dec. 19 at 1:00 PM
Cactus Shadows Fine Arts Center
33606 North 60th Street
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Tickets are $18, $16 and $10
Dr. Stahlbaum and Herr Drosselmeyer invite you, your friends and family to the original version of the Hoffman’s “Nutcracker and the Mouse King”. You will be able to participate in the Party scene in the lobby area before the performance and meet with Marie (yes! in original story the little girl name is Marie, but Clara is her doll) and Fritz.
Your child might even win a special Drosselmeyer’s gift – guest admission to go on stage and participate in the play. There will be many more surprises as well as traditional ballet production on stage. This is a true collaboration between the Theater and Ballet. You will participate in the play part and watch a ballet performance danced to Tchaikovsky’s famous musical score and choreographed by ASCB faculty.
Date: December 18-19, 2009
Times: Friday 6:30pm, Saturday 1:00pm