Title: 20th Anniversary Conference of the International Guild of Musicians in Dance
Location: Stevie Eller Theatre UAz Campus Tucson, AZ
Link out: Click here
Description: The Twentieth Anniversary Conference of the International Guild of Musicians in Dance will feature an exciting array of seminars, panel discussions, and concerts. Commemorating its twentieth year, the International Guild of Musicians in Dance is an organization dedicated to fostering collaborative relationships between dancers and musicians. During the conference, participants will examine the past twenty years of dance musicianship and look forward to the future of music in dance. Marjorie Landsmark-DeLewis, concert pianist, composer, and renowned dance accompanist, will be this year’s special guest artist. See website for sessions with Ms. DeLewis are open to the public. This event is supported with funding from the College of Fine Arts and the MetLife Connections Meet the Composer Grant.
Start Date: 2010-01-14
End Date: 2010-01-17