Title: ZUZI!’s Biannual No Frills You Gotta Have HeART Dance Happenin’ – Adult Choreographers Showcase
Location: ZUZI! Theater in The Historic Y – 738 N. 5th Ave – Tucson, AZ
Link out: Click here
Description: ZUZI! Dance Company, School & Theater presents their spring, biannual No Frills You Gotta Have HeART Dance Happenin’. A variety of performers from throughout Tucson and Southern Arizona share fresh and innovative works from serious to silly at all stages of the creative process, some for the first time. Performances on the ground and in the air are interspersed with the off-the-wall antics of ZUZI!’s lovable MC Carie Schneider.
Friday’s Youth Night will feature the Utterback Middle School Dance Team, Pistor Middle School Dance Ensemble, Arts for All, Hypnotic Hip Hop Club, ZUZI! Dance Company members, ZUZI! “Many Limbs” Youth Aerial Company, and more to be added to the show! Saturday night’s Choreographers’ Showcase will feature independent artists and choreographers from Tucson and beyond including ZUZI! Dance Company member Amber Eubanks and Artistic Director, Nanette Robinson, Jessica Walker, Gina Gonzalez, Lee Ann Hartley, Arts for All, Cera Stanley, Tavia Womack, Hassan al Falak, Addison Johnson of Human Project, and more! With a wide range of dance styles and approaches, the evening is sure to offer something for everyone- Come in, Be moved!
Start Time: 07:30pm
Date: February 13, 2010