Title: Center Dance Ensemble’s Carmina Burana
Location: Herberger Theater Center, 222 East Monroe, Phoenix
Description: Come see new choreography by Frances Smith Cohen
and Diane McNeal Hunt to Carl Orff’s epic “Carmina Burana”–
the power of “O Fortuna,”
the innocence of “Primo Vere,”
the lust of “In Taberna,”
the pure love of “Cour d’Amours”
New modern dance interpretations of a choral masterpiece.
Plus other works by CDE and
a guest appearance by EPIK Dance Company.
February 25 to 28 at the Herberger Theater Center
Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday at 2 p.m.
Tickets: $21 regular, $17 seniors, $9 students
Each plus box office fees
No young children please, recommended age 14 and older.
602-252-8497 or www.herbergertheater.org
Dates: February 25-28, 2010