Title: A Vampire Tale by Scorpius Dance Theatre
Location: Phoenix Little Theatre, 100 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85004
Link out: Click here
Description: “The ‘Nutcracker’ of Halloween,” A Vampire Tale by Scorpius Dance Theatre returns for its eighth consecutive season, October 13-22 at Phoenix Little Theatre. A must see production, the requisite haunt of the fall season features dark and sexy drama, quirky and comedic episodes, and visually stunning aerial feats.
Evolving annually to provide a fresh take on this cult classic, fans have made a ritual to attend A Vampire Tale every season to see what juicy developments choreographer, Lisa Starry, has in store. Exciting new twists and turns this year include an interactive beginning – with audience participation and additional choreography and aerial performances. An introductory film added to the production last year has been revamped by Dennis Valk.
In the plotline of A Vampire Tale, a young woman searches for her lost love only to find he has been lured into an assorted band of bloodsuckers. Frightened yet fascinated by their shadowy showmanship and seductive transactions, the girl struggles to avoid becoming part of their underworld when she becomes infatuated with the king vampire. A story filled with passion, lust, and jealousy, A Vampire Tale is an intense spectacle of dark debauchery.
Dates, Show times and Ticket Information:
October 13-15; 19-22 at 7:30 p.m. and October 14-15; 21-22 at 9:30 p.m.
Phoenix Little Theatre, 100 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85004
Tickets begin at $25 (plus surcharges), and prices will increase the closer to show time. Tickets for the closing night performance on October 22 at 9:30 are $35 and include a post-performance VIP party. Those wearing a vampire costume will receive a $5 discount. Purchase tickets in advance and add a Vamp Pass for $10, and get priority seating (first or second row), and a program signed by all of the vampires. For more information or to purchase tickets, call the Phoenix Theatre box office at 602-254-2151 or visit www.scorpiusdance.com.
Date: October 13-15, 2011 and October 19-22, 2011