Title: Accepting Submissions for Young Choreographers Tap Dance Competition
Location: Arizona
Description: ADC and DancInc announce Arizona’s first young choreographers tap dance competition for ages 16-30. The deadline for submission is March 27, 2010. Winners will be announced April 30. Prizes are 1st place $100, 2nd place $50 and 3rd place $25.
The award-winning pieces will also be performed (live or projected) at the annual Sounds of the Soles of the Southwest performances May 22-23 at the Pima Community College Center for the Arts Proscenium Theatre (West Campus) in Tucson. The performances are part of a weekend festival celebrating National Tap Dance Day. 2010 will mark the 20th anniversary of this TAP Day. The official NTD date is May 25th, the birthday of the famous tap dancer Bill “Bojangles” Robinson who often appeared on film with Shirley Temple.
For submission details, contact Krystyna, ADC NTDD Project Manager, at 520/743-1349 or email zib.cnicnadnull@anytsyrK.
Date: 2010-01-25
January 22, 2010