Title: American Ballet Theatre’s ABT II – Free Performance
Location: Del E. Webb Center for the Performing Arts
Link out: Click here
Description: Experience the excitement of a world premiere dance…for FREE!?! ABT II helps kick off the Webb Center’s 10th Anniversary Season with a free performance as a gift to our patrons!
ABTII is comprised of twelve young dancers (ages 16-19) handpicked from around the world. It serves as the training ground for the full ABT Company, which has been home to ballet superstars like Mikhail Baryshnikov, Gelsey Kirkland, and Robert La Fosse. Returning for the third year under the artistic direction of Wes Chapman, this classical dance company will present pieces from their renowned repertoire and the new dance created during their Flying E Ranch Residency. Seating is reserved.
Start Time: 7:30pm
Date: October 30, 2010