Title: Arizona’s Got Dance! 2014 Workshop
Location: Center Pointe Dance Academy (
Link out: Click here
Description: DAHT is hosting its fourth annual celebration of National Dance Day by presenting the Arizona’s Got Dance! 2014 Workshop (AGD14)! AGD14 is completely dance and health focused this year, and it will be held on National Dance Day (Saturday, July 26th). We recognize many events are occurring on National Dance Day, but this Workshop is unique. It is not going to be a typical dance event full of teacher’s choreography and styled combinations, it will be true dance and health training that you cannot get anywhere else in the Valley on National Dance Day. From nutrition to preserving one’s mental health, this event is going to help dancers understand how to pursue their passion healthily and happily. Plus, the National Dance Day routine will be taught and filmed for anyone who wants to join!
(1) $10 per class and $60 for the whole day if you register on or before July 18th
(2) $11 per class and $65 for the whole day if you register between July 19th – July 25th
(3) $12 per class and $70 for the whole day if you register on the day of the event
(4) You can drop in on the day of the event, but it will be cheaper if you register before July 26th by visiting www.dahtinc.org/Programs_Workshops-ArizonaDanceDay2014.htm
CLASSES/TEACHERS: (12:00 – 7:00 PM, exact schedule will be announced soon):
(1) Nutrition (taught by Dr. Majera Majidi) – This class will help you understand the kinds of food you should eat to help you get the most out of dance and frequent physical activity.
(3) Strength, Agility, Conditioning, (taught by Dr. Majera Majidi) – This class will focus on increasing strength, learning about agility, and how conditioning can help you with both.
(4) The S.E.E.D. Method (taught by Tracy Puddy) – S.E.E.D. stands for strengthen, elongate, exercise through dance. This class will help you learn how to stretch appropriately, execute minute ballet exercises, utilize cardio practices, and how to “cool down” toward the end of class.
(5) Mind and Body Attention (taught by Joel Brame) – This class will help you understand wholistic medicine from healing, and preparation to utilize your body AND mind appropriately throughout dance practices.
(6) Injury Prevention/Stretching (taught by Pippa Frame) – Although dance can help your mind and body’s health in many ways, injuries are prevalent with trained dancers. Why is that? This class will help you understand how to utilize dance and its health benefits, especially when it comes to stretching.
(7) National Dance Day Routine (teacher is TBD) – Well of course we are going to teach the National Dance Day routine on National Dance Day! This is a day to celebrate dance in our great nation, so anyone and everyone should join!
Start Time: 12:00
Date: 2014-07-26
End Time: 19:00