Title: STREB: BRAVE presented by ASU Future Arts Research (F.A.R. @ ASU)
Location: Herberger Theater Center, 222 East Monroe, Phoenix
Description: Commissioned by F.A.R (Future Arts Research) @ASU and in collaboration with the ASU Arts, Media and Engineering Department, Dr. Hugh Herr and the M.I.T. Media Lab and circus greats Noe and Ivan Espana, MacArthur “Genius” Award-winning choreographer Elizabeth Streb.
STREB: BRAVE challenges audiences as it reconfigures the proper platform for witnessing Action. STREB: BRAVE’s rotating floor will turn continuously throughout the performance. There will be no ‘front’ of stage but instead an array of points of view and angles of perception that are altered throughout. The performers will constantly be space-shifting their positions and their actions as the ground slips out from under them. The performers will have to ask themselves over and over which way is up?
Beautiful bodies engage with wild new hardware in show-stopping pieces that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. STREB: BRAVE creates a thrill recalling that of the circus from youth, the heart will pulse as if watching a great adventure movie, and performance will race along at the velocity of the Indy 500, this performance is sure to be a crowd-pleasing action event.
November 6th and 7th at 8:00 pm
Herberger Theater
$10 adult, $5 student/children
Herberger Theatre Box Office: https://www.herbergertheater.org
Tickets have been generously underwritten by FAR and their donors.
Date: November 6-7, 2009
Time: 8:00pm