Title: ASU Graduate Choreographic Presentations – FREE!
Location: Margaret Gisolo Dance Studio,Physical Education Building East, Room 132, ASU Tempe Campus
Link out: Click here
Description: The Graduate Project Presentations features original new and in-progress works by current MFA students in the School of Dance. Choreographers Julie Akerly, Helen Buck, Angel Crissman, Inertia Dewitt, Kelsey Finlayson, Amanda Ling, Britta Joy Peterson, Kristopher Pourzal, Tricia Ragsdale, Ashlee Jo Ramsey, Denise A. Stein, and Laurel Wall-MacLane invite you to join them for a wonderfully thought-provoking evening of dance.
Start Time: 7:30pm
Date: October 20-21, 2011
September 28, 2011