Title: ASU Herberger Institute School of Dance Presents Xavier Le Roy: Product of Other Circumstances
Location: Arizona State University, Dance Theatre, Physical Education Building East 132, 611 E. Orange Street, Tempe
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Description: Product of Other Circumstances is Xavier Le Roy’s latest work that seeks to cross the territory of dance and choreography. This time in the form of a performance, resonating from his legendary Product of Circumstances (1999), but here instead of starting with his own biography, he proceeds from a position of exile. The audience follows Xavier on a journey into Butoh, a form of dance he approaches as an amateur, yet as a professional in the field of choreography.
Xavier Le Roy was born in Juvisy sur Orge, France in 1963 and studied biochemistry at the University of Montpellier. He began his dance career in 1988 when he started performing for several companies and later initiating his own collaborations and multi-media projects, founding the group “in situ productions” together with Petra Roggel in 1999. In 1998 Le Roy participated in the improvisation project “CrashLanding@Lisboa” and choreographed a solo performance called “Self Unfinished.” A year later he produced a lecture-performance called “Product of Circumstances.” He has collaborated with world-renowned artists, such as Jerome Bel and Yvonne Rainer and presented his work in various settings, most recently including: the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Berlin (2005), the Wien Modern (2005), Gulbenkian Foundation, CAPITALS, Lisbonne (2003), and the Festival d’Avignon (2001). He has been involved in various educational programs and given workshops at: the University of Theater Science in Giessen (Germany), P.A.R.T.S (Brussels), the Fine Arts School of Perpignan (France), the Summer Academy at Mousonturm (Frankfurt, Germany), the London Summer School (Great Britain), the festival In-Presentable (Madrid, Spain), La Bâtie (Geneva), la Casa Hoffman, Curitiba (Brazil) and the education program ex.e.r.ce at CCN Montpellier, France. In 2007 and 2008 he was the associated artist at the Centre National Chorégraphique de Montpellier, France.
Date: April 30, 2010
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm