Title: Auditions for Center Dance Ensemble
Location: Dance Theater West, 3925 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix
Link out: Click here
Description: Center Dance Ensemble, the resident modern dance company at the Herberger Theater Center, will hold auditions for dancers for the 2010-11 season on Saturday, May 22, from 2:00pm to 3:30pm at Dance Theater West studio, 3925 E. Indian School Rd.
The company is seeking advanced ballet and/or modern dancers, both male and female. These are paid positions for the 2010-11 season; rehearsals start in late August.
To register for the audition class, and for more information, contact Frances Cohen, artistic director, 602-997-9027.
Media contact is Gary Bacal, 520-881-4786 or ten.ttanull@lacabyrag.
Date: 2010-04-30