Title: Monthly Coffee Series Location: Civic Space Park, 424 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix Description: Monthly Coffee Series! Please make plans to attend our Community Coffee Series, which will be held on the second Sunday of every month. This series will highlight specific community dance practitioners and encourage dialogue to share
Knowing Place 2010
Title: Knowing Place 2010 Location: TBA Description: Save the Date! We invite you to participate in the second installment of our yearly community dance professional development workshop, “Knowing Place 2010,” which will take place on May 15th and 16th. Open to all artists interested in developing community dance practices, this
Shared Fabric Movement Project
Title: Shared Fabric Movement Project Location: Civic Space Park, 424 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix Description: ASU Herberger Department of Dance sponsors Shared Fabric An opportunity for folks of all sorts to collaborate on making a performance project to take place at Civic Space Park in spring, 2010. Using dance as
Winter Fairy Tales
Title: Winter Fairy Tales Location: Herberger Theater Center, Stage West 222 East Monroe, Phoenix Description: “Winter Fairy Tales” a first time performance collaboration by the students of Arizona School of Classical Ballet in “Winter Fairy Tales,” The School of Ballet Arizona in “The Nutcracker,” and Dance Theater West, the studio
Paul Taylor Dance Company
Title: Paul Taylor Dance Company Location: Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, 7380 E. Second St. Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Description: PAUL TAYLOR DANCE COMPANY TO PERFORM TWO EVENINGS OF NEW AND CLASSIC WORKS Paul Taylor Dance Company Nov. 18–19, 2009 Wednesday and Thursday @ 7:30 p.m. Scottsdale Center for the
Center Dance Ensemble’s SNOW QUEEN
Title: Center Dance Ensemble’s SNOW QUEEN Location: Herberger Theater Center, 222 East Monroe, Phoenix Description: Center Dance Ensemble presents Frances Smith Cohen’s “The Snow Queen.” The Valley’s holiday favorite for the entire family, Snow Queen is the magical retelling of the Hans Christian Andersen classic set to music by Sergei
EPIK Dance Company’s Thriller Workshop
Title: EPIK Dance Company’s Thriller Workshop Location: Washington High School, 2217 W. Glendale Avenue, Phoenix 85021 Description: EPIK Thriller Workshop! Saturday, October 24th, 2009 Washington High School Classes from 11am until 4pm with a performance at 4:45! Come be part of an “EPIK” performance of Michael Jackson’s THRILLER! Each class
Step’s Junk Funk at ASU Sustainability Day
Title: Step’s Junk Funk at ASU Sustainability Day Location: ASU Hayden Lawn, Arizona State University, Tempe Description: Step’s Junk Funk performs reused, recycled, found objects as musical instruments. The 30 minute performances shows sustainability through art. Date: October 21, 2009 Time: 11:00am-11:30am Cost: FREE For info call: 602-740-7626
Step’s Junk Funk at Tempe’s Market on Mill
Title: Step’s Junk Funk at Market on Mill (Downtown Tempe Community Market) Location: Outside of Mad Cap Theaters, 730 S. Mill Avenue, Tempe Link out: Click here Description: Market on Mill is every Thursday evening except holidays. Check out the website www.marketonmill.org. It’s a joint project of the Downtown Tempe
STREB: BRAVE presented by F.A.R. @ ASU
Title: STREB: BRAVE presented by ASU Future Arts Research (F.A.R. @ ASU) Location: Herberger Theater Center, 222 East Monroe, Phoenix Description: Commissioned by F.A.R (Future Arts Research) @ASU and in collaboration with the ASU Arts, Media and Engineering Department, Dr. Hugh Herr and the M.I.T. Media Lab and circus greats