Title: A Vampire Tale Location: Phoenix Little Theatre: 100 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85004 Link out: Click here Description: The Nutcracker of Halloween, A Vampire Tale by Scorpius Dance Theatre returns for its ninth consecutive season. A must see production, the requisite haunt of the fall season features dark
Scorpius Dance Marathon
Title: Scorpius Dance Marathon Location: Metropolitan Arts Institute Link out: Click hereDescription: Intermediate/advanced dancers, spend the day with Scorpius! Attend a day of classes or pick and choose from a variety of styles. Package prices available, including an all day pass that includes Scorpius’ Summer Showcase production. 10 am: Ballet
Scorpius Exercise Marathon
Title: Scorpius Exercise Marathon Location: Metropolitan Arts Institute Link out: Click hereDescription: Class Schedule: Designed for beginning/intermediate dancers, get some exercise in a fun environment! Taught by Scorpius dancers, choose from one class or spend the afternoon stretching, shaping and toning. 3 pm: Stretch & Tone 4:15 pm: Ballet Barre
Scorpius Summer Dance Showcase
Title: Scorpius Summer Dance ShowcaseLocation: Metropolitan Arts Institute Link out: Click hereDescription: Back by popular demand, Scorpius Dance Theatre is presenting its Summer Showcase 2012! Performed in an up-close-and-personal space, this intimate showcase will feature works by director Lisa Starry and the talented Scorpius dancers. The performance will be presented
Scorpius Dance Theatre “Kick-A” Dance Showcase
Title: Scorpius Dance Theatre “Kick-A” Dance Showcase Location: Phoenix Theatre’s Little Theatre, 100 E. McDowell Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85004 Link out: Click here Description: Scorpius Dance Theatre’s Director/Choreographer, Lisa Starry, is producing the first annual KICK-A Dance Showcase to promote choreographers from Arizona and other parts of the USA! Not
Scorpius Dance Theatre’s “Kick-A” Choreographer Auditions
Title: Scorpius Dance Theatre’s “Kick-A” Choreographer Auditions Location: Metropolitan Arts Institute, 1700 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, AZ Link out: Click here Description: Scorpius Dance Theatre is on the hunt for the best choreographers in the U.S. This summer, Scorpius’ Director, Lisa Starry, is staging Kick-A – a unique dance showcase
Dance Marathon 4: Classes with Scorpius Dance Theatre
Title: Dance Marathon 4: Classes with Scorpius Dance Theatre Location: Metropolitan Arts Institute: 1700 N. 7th Ave., Phoenix, AZ Link out: Click here Description: Scorpius Dance Theatre presents a full day of dance classes, all taught by Scorpius company members! 10:00 – 11:00: Ballet with Nicole Olson 11:15 – 12:15:
Catwalk by Scorpius Dance Theatre
Title: Catwalk by Scorpius Dance TheatreLocation: Phoenix Little TheatreLink out: Click hereDescription: Returning by popular demand, Catwalk by Scorpius Dance Theatre feature new works and returning favorites from last year’s successful debut. Staged on a runway, this original contemporary dance production fuses funky, local fashions, sexy athleticism and the distinct
Scorpius Dance Theatre’s “A Vampire Tale”
Title: Scorpius Dance Theatre’s “A Vampire Tale” Location: Phoenix Little Theatre Link out: Click here Description: “The ‘Nutcracker’ of Halloween,” A Vampire Tale by Scorpius Dance Theatre returns to Phoenix Little Theatre for its seven consecutive season. The requisite haunt of the fall season features dark and sexy drama, quirky
Scorpius Dance Theatre’s CATWALK
Title: Scorpius Dance Theatre’s CATWALKLocation: Phoenix Little TheatreLink out: Click hereDescription: Drawing inspiration from pop culture, Lisa Starry has created an all-original, contemporary dance production based on the popularity of today’s fashion scene and fashion television reality shows. CATWALK fuses funky local fashions, runway style music and the sexy athleticism