Title: AZDance’s “A Joyous Christmas”
Location: Scottsdale First Assembly, 28700 N. Pima Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85266
Link out: Click here
Description: AZDance Group, a professional contemporary dance company under the Artistic Direction of Kenda Newbury, creates and produces inspiring, educational and entertaining works fusing ballet, jazz and modern dance techniques.
This concert, newly staged “A Joyous Christmas”, features two inspiring guest artists, Jeffrey Polston, founding dancer of Complexions Contemporary Ballet Company in NYC and Astrit Zejnati, principal dancer of Ballet Arizona; AZDance’s professional dance roster, their Children’s Christmas company and their moving “Movement E-Motion”, a dance program for Individuals with Different Abilities.
Performed at Scottsdale First Assembly off of Pima Road & Dynamite Roads on Thursday, December 1 at 7pm and Saturday, December 3 at 1pm and at Cactus Shadows Fine Arts Center (33606 N. 60th Street) on Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 1pm this concert is entertaining for all.
Tickets at both performance venues $15 Adults, $10 Students/Seniors and $5 under 10 years of age. Available at door and local businesses. Cash/check please.
Information 480-215-1916 or www.azdance.org.
Start Time: 07:00 pm
Date: 2011-12-01