Title: AZDance’s Movement E-Motion (MEM) Class
Location: Bender Performing Arts
Link out: Click here
Description: Created in 2005, this class appropriately named Movement E-Motion or MEM is taught by Kenda Newbury, Artistic Director of AZDance Group. The MEM class is designed and carefully crafted for young adults age 13 and up (senior ages too) with intellectual and developmental cognitive disabilities. We like to say Individuals with Different Abilities.
This same group, if accepted into the program, performs with the core company members, most professional dancers from Boston, NYC, Myrtle Beach, Las Vegas, California, Rochester (MN) and within Arizona. Integration is KEY to this program once they begin performing with the company.
New to this MEM program are hand-selected at-risk youth from Greenway Middle School with thanks to Mrs. Cocco.
Information? azdance.org
Contact the director for dates, times, locations and more.
Two sessions – Winter 2013 begins September 11
Spring 2014 begins January 22
Contact AZDance Group ONLY – NOT the studio.
Start Date: 2013-09-11
Start Time: 2:15
End Date: 2014-05-01
End Time: 3:40