Title: Ballet Master Classes w/MISHA TCHOUPAKOV- Master Teacher for Youth America Grand Prix in US & Japan
Location: 20820 N. 25th Place, #110-112, Phoenix, AZ 85050
Link out: Click here
Description: MISHA TCHOUPAKOV is a Master Teacher for Youth America Grand Prix in US & Japan. he has trained at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy, toured and performed all over the world including Australia, UK, Switzerland, Italy, France, China, Japan and US. Misha is a graduate of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography with M.F.A. in Ballet Pedagogy and Choreography under the tutelage of Professor P. Pestov.
Experience Highlights:
*Instructor at Houston Ballet, Oregon Ballet Theatre, Ballet West, David Taylor Dance Theatre, State Street Ballet, Ballet Arlington, Guangzhou Ballet of China, Sibiu Ballet Theatre, and Galili Dance in the Netherlands.
* Master teacher for YAGP Ballet Competition in US and Japan, Sibiu International Ballet and Contemporary Dance Competition in Romania and Okinawa Ballet Competition
Official representative and appointed trustee of the Kasyan Goleizovsky Foundation.
Start Date: 2010-09-24
End Date: 2010-9-25
September 1, 2010