Title: Bill T. Jones & Arnie Zane Dance Company
Location: ASU Gammage, 1200 South Forest Avenue, Tempe
Link out: Click here
Description: Bill T. Jones/Arnie Dance Company
Fondly Do We Hope…Fervently Do We Pray
ASU Gammage, 1200 South Forest Avenue, Tempe
March 5, 2011
Two-time Tony Award-winning Bill T. Jones is simply one of the most celebrated choreographer/directors in the world. Fondly Do We Hope…Fervently Do We Pray will find Mr. Jones “leading with his own heart,” seeking a way to articulate if not reconcile the view of Abraham Lincoln he had as a young boy growing up during the civil rights struggle. A truly brilliant fusion of dialogue, dance, multi-media, original and traditional music, Fondly Do We Hope…cannot help but move us and make us ponder the greatness and possibilities of perhaps our most cherished President.
Date: 2011-03-05
ADC Discount – $10 Off of ticket price, use special offer code/password: DANCE