Title: Body-Mind Centering® with Indeera Johnn
Location: ASU Performing & Media Arts. 970 E. University Dr., Tempe, AZ
Description: Body-Mind Centering® (BMC) dynamically explores where body, mind and movement meet and is appropriate for people interested in deepening their connection to the inner wisdom of the body as it relates to movement, mind and spirit.
BMC is currently being studied, practiced and applied by people from a broad range of professions. These include teachers and students of yoga, dance, martial arts and other approaches to movement education and therapy; massage and bodywork practitioners, occupational therapists, physical therapists, psychologists, nurses, doctors, musicians, and actors.
Online registration will open January 9, 2012. (check back here for the link)
Students $20
Community Members $30
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2012-03-03
End Time: 13:00