Title: Breath Made Visible
Location: Madcap Theater (101 Distribution Theater), 730 South Mill Avenue, Tempe
Link out: Click here
Description: ASU Herberger Institute School of Dance
School of Dance Office of Global Dance Research and Creative Partnerships presents:
A special film screening of BREATH MADE VISIBLE
in conjunction with KNOWING PLACE (an annual seminar for exploring dance practices in the community contexts
Saturday, May 15, 2010
1:00pm & 10:00pm
MADCAP THEATER (101 Distribution Theater)
730 South Mill Avenue, Tempe
$5.00 tickets at box office or online at www.madcaptheaters.com
82 minutes
Audience is invited to attend post-film Q & A session, and participate in free afternoon dance community seminar from 3:00pm-5:00pm
Breath Made Visible is the first feature length film about the life and career of Anna Halprin, the American dance pioneer who has helped redefine our notion of modern art with her belief in dance’s power to teach, heal, and transform at all ages.
This documentary portrait from director Ruedi Gerber constitutes one of the only feature-length biographical chronicles on the life and professional accomplishments of Anna Halprin (b. 1920), one of the most legendary of all American dancers and a true pioneer of modern art through her dance. Halprin distinguished herself from many of her colleagues by strongly emphasizing her belief in dance’s power to transform, teach, and heal. In telling the story of this amazing artist, this program combines archival footage of Halprin, recent interviews with her colleagues such as the late Merce Cunningham, and extracts of current and past performances. ~ Nathan Southern, All Movie Guide
Date: 2010-05-15