Title: Cakewalk Contestants Needed for Daniel Nagrin Celebration
Location: TBA
Link out: Click here
Description: There will be a Celebration of the Life of Daniel Nagrin at ASU Studio Dance Theater, PEBE on May 9th at 2:00pm. A planning committee suggested that a cakewalk contest could be done if we have enough dancers who wanted to participate. We need to have a minimum of 3 couples. What is the cakewalk? This dance was taught in Daniel Nagrin\’s Jazz Styles class. For historical info go to: https://www.streetswing.com/histmain/z3cake1.htm. If there are enough dancers who are interested in learning or reviewing the dance, I can set up a few dates and times between now and May 9th. But I will need to know ASAP if there are enough people interested. Please call me at 480-962-4584 or email at ten.xocnull@wohCRL.
Date: 2009-04-04
April 1, 2009