Lisa R Chow, ADC President, 602-740-9616 PO Box 64852-4852, Phoenix AZ.

Arizona Dance Coalition Statewide Calendar of Events

MIKIZTLI: Dia de los Muertos (Phoenix)

Steele Indian School Park 300 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix

Cultural Coalition and AT&T present the 12th Annual MIKIZTLI: Dia de los Muertos Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 2:00pm-7:00pm Steele Indian School Park Art, Performances & Community Altar 3:00pm-4:00pm Lisa Chow and Step Raptis as Step's Junk Funk will lead an interactive fun activity in the children's area. 4:30pm-Sunset Lisa ...


Events may be viewed in these formats: list, week, day, map, photo and month.

Serving Arizona's dance communities and "creating connections" between the dancers and the general public.

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Send your news and event information before the 25th for the coming issue of the Arizona Dance e-Star,

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