Title: Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival Call for Entries!
Location: Cave Creek
Link out: Click here
Description: CALL FOR ENTRIES!! Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival is accepting submissions in 7 categories (Film, Visual Arts, Photography, Choreography, Original Song, Poetry, Short Story) for the competition and showcase.
CHOREOGRAPHERS ALERT!! All Arizona choreographers are eligible to submit their work for this summer festival for the arts. In addition to this fantastic performance opportunity in our Choreography Showcase, our jurors will select 3 finalists in both youth and adult divisions to receive cash prizes of up to $1,000. Applications are available online now for the May 14th deadline for entries. The juried dance showcase will be held on July 11th at the Cave Creek Fine Arts Center as part of a whole week of festival with screenings, readings, viewings and showcases. Final award winners will be recognized at the Gala event on July 17th also at the Fine Arts Center. For more information on applications, deadlines, and events please visit our website www.cavecreekfilmandartsfestival.com.
Date: Applications accepted now until May 14, 2010.