Title: Celebrate National Dance Week!
Location: United States of America
Link out: Click here
Description: National Dance Week Foundation
April 26-May 5, 2013
A Week To Celebrate Dance and Promote Fun Fitness!
Learn the dance from the NDW website: https://www.nationaldanceweek.org/
Check Facebook for details.
National Dance Week Mission Statement
To Expose and introduce as many people as possible to the enjoyment
and benefits of dance thru promoting dance in schools, expanding community awareness, and increasing professional development.
While National Dance Week© has long been an annual observance in America, it has also been one of the dance community’s best kept secrets. The American dance community is today more aware of the annual celebration but bringing it to the forefront of the public’s attentions remains a challenge and major goal. With a Mission Statement to “heighten the awareness of Dance and its contributions to our culture”, it is of the utmost importance that all dancers become involved and active in the programs and presentations held each year. Only through the concerted efforts of all will we ever reach our goal to bring Dance out of the background of the Arts in our nation. It will be through the dedicated work of all dancers that the American public will come to realize that dance can affect all aspects of life, that dance is a true global language and can impact all facets of living!
Start Date: 2013-04-26
End Date: 2013-05-05