Title: Chitresh Das Dance Company: Sita Haran
Location: Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, 7380 E. 2nd Street, Scottsdale
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Description: Chitresh Das Dance Company: Sita Haran
Saturday, April 6, 2013 at 8:00pm
Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, 7380 E. 2nd Street, Scottsdale
ADC Member Discount (Save 20%): Use Promo Code (when Ordering): AZDANCE
Choreographed, composed and directed by India’s celebrated Kathak dance icon Pandit Chitresh Das, Sita Haran (The Abduction of Sita) is a dynamic interpretation excerpted from one of the most important literary works of India, the Ramayana. Pandit Das brings this ancient epic to life with an international all-female cast of dancers, sumptuous multimedia, Sanskrit poetry and an original score. Delving deeply into the characters with a unique contemporary perspective, Sita Haran sheds new light on this story of greed, lust, distraction and divine intervention.
Start Time: 8:00pm
Date: 2013-04-06