July 24, 2013 No Comments khpblack Uncategorized

Title: Dance Submissions – Dance Festival of So AZ
Location: University HS Auditorium, 422 N Arcadia, Tucson
Link out: Click here
Description: The ARIZONA DANCE COALITION (ADC) in partnership with the ARIZONA DANCE EDUCATION ORGANIZATION (AzDEO) and in collaboration with this year’s hosts, University & Tucson High Magnet Schools, are presenting the first DANCE FESTIVAL OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA (DFOSA) October 19-20, 2013.

The dance festival will consist of
– dance classes for high school dance groups, dance students and teachers in So AZ, and the general public. The schedule and list of instructors will be out shortly. Our guest master faculty will be Anita Feldman (Hofstra U, Hempstead, NY) and Chad Michael Hall (U of California, Irvine, CA), returning to Tucson by popular demand.
– a professional performance on Saturday evening by So AZ’s dance artists and guests representing all genres and styles
– a post-performance Q & A facilitated by the ADC, and
– an adjudicated peer performance (adjudication optional) for high-school age or older dance groups on Sunday afternoon

DFOSA will give you and/or your company great exposure and it’s the perfect way to share your art with colleagues and guests from Arizona and beyond. Performers must be at least high school age.

We are now open to accept electronic submissions for the Saturday evening performance from the So Az dance community. Submissions may be in a VHS/DVD format or can be viewed online (YouTube, other). The submission deadline is August 24, Saturday, midnight. The performers will be announced on September 1, Sunday.

To request an application/details, email gro.noitilaoCecnaDzAnull@anytsyrK or call 520-743-1349.

Please complete and send the application with your DVDs/VHS tapes to the ADC/DFOSA, c/o KP Black, 2813 W Wagon Wheel Dr, Tucson AZ 85745-3538. You can also email your information with IP address(es) for viewing pieces to: gro.noitilaoCecnaDzAnull@anytsyrK

Selected performers will be required to help publicize the event by distributing postcards and posters and forwarding or creating their own emails and social media postings. We need everyone’s help to make the public aware of this event that showcases Southern Arizona’s dance talent. You will be expected to provide photos, bios, and descriptions for publicity.

Performers will have an opportunity to fundraise for their own organization/company through ticket sales – purchase a group of tickets for $10, sell for $15, and keep $5.

We are looking for sponsors for the event. If you are in a position to donate or know of a person or organization that would be interested in supporting DFOSA, please contact Krystyna at 520-743-1349 or email gro.noitilaoCecnaDzAnull@anytsyrK

Volunteers will be needed for the classes and performances. Hours may be traded for free classes or attendance at the Saturday performance. Please respond if you are interested. A sign-up sheet with specific times will be available once the class schedule is finalized.

Start Date: 2013-07-24
End Date: 2013-08-24