Title: Dance Theater of Harlem
Location: ASU Gammage, 1200 S Forest Ave, Tempe, AZ 85281
Link out: Click here
Description: ASU Gammage is proud to welcome back Dance Theatre of Harlem, an iconic American dance company. The company will perform an eclectic mix of the new and traditional that will highlight the brilliance of this one-of-a-kind American dance treasure. Shortly after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. the Dance Theatre of Harlem was founded based on the goals to start a school, in Harlem, in which students could learn about dance and other art forms. In addition to encompassing the performance group and education center, Dance Theatre of Harlem also has a national and international education and community outreach program, Dancing Through Barriers. Each piece commits to bringing the arts to the lives of adults and children alike. Dance Theatre of Harlem is an unparalleled institution in the world of dance not only in this country, but around the globe.
Box Office: 480-965-3434
Start Time: 7pm
Date: 2014-10-25