Title: Dance Theater West Presents Wonderland & Wonderland the Ballet
Location: Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, 7380 E. Second Street, Scottsdale AZ 85251
Link out: Click here
Description: Dance Theater West presents Wonderland
May 15
Scottsdale Center for the Arts
2 PM
Young Children, Creative Ballet, Saturday Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Theater Dance
Wonderland the Ballet
4:30 PM
Storybook Ballet Company
Classical Ballet Program, Modern Performance, Theater Dance
and guest artists!
admission free ….seating is available
Dance Theater West is the Academy of Center Dance Ensemble, Resident Modern Company of the Herberger Theater, Directed by Frances Cohen & Storybook Ballet Company Directed by Susan Silverman, located at 3925 E Indian School Rd Phoenix AZ 85018 602-840-3882 moc.loanull@anirezus
Date: 2011-05-15