Title: DanceEstrella: Rising From The Ashes
Location: Estrella Mountain Community College, 3000 N Dysart Rd, Avondale
Link out: Click here
Description: Friday April 25
Rising From The Ashes
DancEstrella presents a collaboratively choreographed production on the themes of struggle, transformation and new beginnings.
Celebrating the idea that through our experiences and relationships we continue to become more than we were, Rising from the Ashes was conceived and created collaboratively by the students and EMCC dance program coordinator, Janaea Lyn McAlee.
Andhere Raaste De Nikalna (Out of the Dark Road), was created by Krystal Metcalf, EMCC’s first dance graduate this May, who also served as the assistant artistic director of DancEstrella.
Start Time: 7:00pm
Date: 2014-04-25