Title: Emily Johnson/Catalyst Niicugni SNEAK Preview Open Rehearsal
Location: ASU Galvin Playhouse, Nelson Fine Arts Center, 51 E. 10th Street, Tempe AZ 85287
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Description: Emily Johnson/Catalyst Niicugni SNEAK Preview Open Rehearsal
Friday, March 1, 2013 at 12:00pm
ASU Galvin Playhouse
Celebrated director, choreographer, curator Emily Johnson (Native Alaskan Yup’ik) presents NIICUGNI (Listen) a new dance performance, housed within a light and sound installation made of hanging fish-skin sculptures. Johnson’s almost ethereal ability to weave elements of theater, dance and art installation into a uniquely affecting experience is not to be missed. The fish-skin sculptures will be produced by local community members during her residency at ASU Gammage and will be an integral part of an unforgettable theatrical journey fusing music and dance with contemporary performance. The effect is one of taking us out of the theater and into nature, to NIICUGNI (Listen) to our connection with the Earth and our ancestors.
“Niicugni is many things. Here’s what I can tell you: it is a dance that took thousands of years to make. It is a story made of many. It is a word that instructs us to listen. There is hope here, and death; monsters and laughter; salmon, bear, blood. There is you, everyone who has ever lived, the ground beneath us, and a never ending attempt to pay attention. I made this for you and it is also for my dad.” – Emily Johnson
BEYOND has been presenting performances that you can see nowhere else in Arizona for nearly 20 years, and this year brings some unique artists you won’t want to miss.
The creation and presentation of NIICUGNI is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts in cooperation with the New England Foundation for the Arts though the National Dance Project. Major support for NDP is provided by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with additional support from the Community Connections Fund of the MetLife Foundation. Support from the NEA provides funding for choreographers in the early stages of their careers.
– See more at: https://asugammage.com/shows/2012-13-gammage-beyond/emily-johnson-catalyst#sthash.LBYZZa63.dpuf
To RSVP for Open Rehearsals, please call the Cultural Participation Department at 480.965.5062. or contact moc.egammagusanull@ofnipc.
Start Time: 12:00pm
Date: 2013-03-01