Title: EPIK Dance Company featured at “Dance the Night Away @ TCA”
Location: Tempe Center for the Arts
Link out: Click here
Description: Come watch your favorite street fusion dance company kick off an amazing night of entertainment with a 70-minute stage show and multiple performances during the afterparty!
7:30pm – 8:30pm
Tempe Center for the Arts MAIN STAGE
See some of your favorite EPIK performances, with several new pieces (and new faces) to keep things fresh and to keep the audience on their toes!
Orchestra seats are $30, and balcony seats are $25. Both tickets include admission to the Club TCA afterparty that includes DJs, dueling pianos, and a whoooolle lotta fun!
$25 Tickets include:
Balcony seating for EPIK Dance performance
Entrance to Club TCA
Big Bang Dueling Pianos performance
Appetizers (cash bar)
$30 Tickets Include:
Orchestra seating for EPIK Dance performance
Entrance to Club TCA
Big Bang Dueling Pianos performance
Appetizers (cash bar)
$100 VIP Tickets Include:
Preferred Orchestra seating for EPIK Dance performance
Entrance to Club TCA
Complimentary VIP appetizers
Open Bar in private VIP gallery lounge
Visit www.dna-tca.com for tickets. NOTE: This is an 18+ event.
This event benefits Friends of TCA, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that directly supports TCA programming, special projects, events and education programs. This is the place for the arts, culture, and entertainment that YOU love!
Start Time: 19:30
Date: 2011-11-05