Title: Expresiones Seis
Location: Arts Market Lot, north side of Roosevelt Ave. in between 3rd and 5th St., Phoenix
Link out: Click here
Description: Saturday April 6 @ 8 pm
Free Admission
Arts Market Lot
~ donations encouraged~
Dulce Dance Company is proud to present Expresiones Dance Festival. Now in its sixth season, Expresiones Seis is a curated dance production showcasing expressive, unique and artistic talent in contemporary modern form. The essence of dance in unique and non-traditional spaces.
In the past, Expresiones has been presented in art galleries, movie theaters, raw spaces, and “in the round”. These locations have undergone simple re-vamping, converting them to alternative performance spaces.
Part of the goal of Expresiones is to present Dance in its purest form. The opportunity for performing in alternate non-traditional spaces allows the audience to experience and share new perspectives of performance. The closeness of the dancers helps to cultivate a more intimate relationship with the audience and community. This broadens the horizons of dance and the people that connect with it.
Expresiones Seis presents choreography from Dulce Dance Company, J. Bouey, Angel Castro/Halo Movement Collective, Desert Dance Theatre, Liliana Gomez, Candy Jimenez, Anca Mihalcescu, Nicole Olson, Susan Pine Harris/Movement Source, Claire Renaud/Movement Source, Melissa Rex, Amber Robbins/Kaleidoscope Dance, and Whitney Waugh. It will all be set under the stars in the Arts Market Lot on Roosevelt Ave. The event is Saturday April 6 @ 8pm. Admission is Free. Donations are encouraged. Arts Market Lot, north side of Roosevelt Ave. in between 3rd and 5th St. Parking is limited to street parking or park/ride Light Rail.
Start Time: 8:00pm
Date: 2013-04-06