Title: Feldenkrais and Contact Improvisation Workshop with Jayne Lee & Tim O’Donnell
Location: The Nest Dance Sanctuary
Link out: Click here
Description: Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement & Contact Improvisation Workshop
Tim O’Donnell & Jayne Lee
The Nest Dance Sanctuary, Jerome, Arizona
May 14 & 15 2011:10:00 am – 5:00 pm
May 14 5:30 Performance with Delisa Myles, Tim O’Donnell, Jayne Lee & Guests
Registration $130 (in advance please) Limited to 15 participants
Call 928 773 0750 to register
sw.erutannamuhnull@enyaj or moc.liamgnull@tcatnocgnikam.t
Each morning will begin with Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® then we will move into Improvisation in both group and solo explorations. We will slowly open and explore healthy patterns of movement, first in our individual bodies, eventually working with the group to cultivate awareness and sensitivity.
Through quieting the mind we can relax and listen to the body and its rhythms, using this as a pathway to enter into focused dance. Working from this calm, attentive and available state we seek a balance in falling, redirecting and soaring, risking the unknown more fully.
We will investigate a variety of states that will allow us to bring greater depth and breadth to our dancing. Beginning gently and building momentum by adding specific skills, such as falling in spirals and sharing a plumb line, we will use guided dances to expand our levels of physicality.
This workshop welcomes all levels of dancers and movers.
Jayne Lee’s 30 year career in dance began at the London Contemporary Dance Theatre & Julliard and embraces various dance forms and awareness practices including Tai Chi Chuan, Feldenkrais, Contact Improvisation and Argentine Tango. Jayne is Executive Director of Human Nature Dance Theatre & Studio, a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® and a Grand Canyon River Guide.
Tim O’Donnell has been studying, teaching and performing Contact Improvisation for over 15 years. His exploration in the form is strongly rooted in deep physical listening and a sense of adventure. His classes range from gentle and subtle to acrobatic and fluidly athletic. He holds an MFA in Dance and has been a bodyworker since 1991. Currently he is teaching dance and performing throughout the US and Europe.
Start Date: 2011-05-14
Start Time: 10:00
End Date: 2011-05-15
End Time: 17:00